Tuesday, September 29, 2009

EVA LEMON : Neon Genesis Evangelion Lemon
Aknowledgment; i didnt create Evangelion (gendo did), the whole story, settings, characters etc were created by Gainex. Please dont sue for im skint (hides large sum of money under matress) & this is a non-profitable re... co... thing. But hey thousands have done it before & seemed to get away with it :).
Usual load of bollocks; This is a lemon (i hope, i'll probably even get that wrong) if you are underage, queer, or easily offended.. TAKE A FUCKING GUESS WHAT IM GOING TO SAY. But if you're either of those & just enjoy laughing at countless type o's then read on... !Oi stop wanking... i havent written the story yet... jesus h christ allah & a buhda.
Warning (or exepectations whatever floats you're boat);This is a lemon & im a bored teenage boy that thinks of sex way to often by the normal average of thinking of sex (6 seconds btw) this will contain swearing (extra vocabulary), graphic scenes of fetishes, violence & of course good ol dirty sex ( ((__ SLEAZE SALUTE).
Requirements before continueing reading;
1; Computer
2; locked door
3; lights out
4; any photo's or posters turned over if you believe that they can see you.
5; tissues (cleanex works well)
6; non-squeeky chair/computer desk
7; p*nis [lol for this , so girls CAN'T read this fic after all ..]
& one last thing.. ENJOY, dont feel like a sad bastard.. millions of other dateless fat Wankers are doing it too. & if it werent for them.. the cleanex industry would be bankrupt by now :)
Author; Greengo
Editers/second opinion; Chris, James & C.j
Sexual know-how/reference; Several drunken nights with women, Empties onwhich finding event holders fathers porn vids/mags, Gers porn mags (Honest it was ripeed when i got it ^_^')
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Labels: Fan Fictions

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