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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Evangelion Tropes and Idioms [ C ]

GUYS : Read it of you have time .. ^^ It's interesting ..
NOTE : Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole,tropes are not clichés. The word clichéd means "stereotyped and trite". In other words, dull and uninteresting. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. We are here to recognize tropes and play with them, not to make fun of them.

[ the following bold words are clickable dude .. per click is free , no need to worry .. ^^ ]

  • Captain Ersatz (Evangelion 's characters have been used as the basis for many animes' casts:
  • Caramelldansen Vid
  • Casanova / Handsome Lech / Leisure Suit Larry (Kaji, depending on how you interpret his behavior around the ladies.)
  • Cash Cow Franchise (God in Heaven, help us.)
  • Catch Phrase (In the anime, Shinji is constantly saying "I mustn't run away!"; also Asuka's repeated refrain of "What are you, stupid?" Let's also not forget all the times when Gendou tells Fuyutsuki to "handle the rest of this" and variants of "So," "Yes," and "I understand.")
  • Child Soldiers (The pilots, who are even called "Children" both individually and collectively.)
  • Christmas Cake (Misato and Ritsuko. They aren't happy about this.)
  • Clingy Jealous Girl (Asuka in the presence of Kaji, and also towards Shinji for that matter, especially in Alternate Continuity works. Also, Misato gets quite jealous whenever Kaji runs off to flirt with another woman.)
  • Cloud Cuckoolander (New girl Mari Illustrious Makinami from the new Rebuild film series retains her cheerful, aloof outlook on life even in the face of gruesome pain and impending apocalypse.)
  • Conspicuous CG (Rebuild of Evangelion.)
  • Contemplate Our Navels
  • Cooldown Hug (Shinji broke down and started crying in the movie only because Asuka caressed his face.)
    • Actually the whole "strangle to caress" is lifted from the Lawrence Fishburne movie of "Othello", Shinji just stops.
  • Cosmic Horror (Strongly evoked by the Angels and even more by Adam and Lilith.)
  • Cosmopolitan Council (The members of SEELE.)
  • Creator Breakdown (So much of it, it actually originated from Creator Breakdown. Some parts of the manga suggest Sadamoto isn't too happy or wholesome either.)
  • Creepy Cool Crosses (The Angels' energy blasts, and the shot of Misato's pendant near the very end of End of Evangelion.)
  • Cross Dressing Voices (Shinji is voiced by Megumi Ogata, and Pen-Pen by Megumi Hayashibara.)
  • Cross Popping Veins (Asuka, continuously; also Misato, whenever she finds Kaji flirting with and/or groping another woman.)
  • Crowning Moment Of Awesome (Several; see here for the list)
  • Crowning Moment Of Funny (Quite a few of them, mostly early in the series.)
    • In episode 5, Pen-Pen hesitantly samples Misato's atrocious cooking and promptly faints.
    • In episode 17, Kaji inexplicably flirts with Shinji.
      Kaji: How about it? Wanna go out for tea?
      Shinji: You know, I'm a boy.
      • And in Rebuild 2.0, Kaji pretends to try to kiss him and Shinji lets out an almighty squeal. "Love isn't concerned with gender!"
    • Toothpicks. 'nuff said.
      • In fact, any slapstick scene that somehow involves Misato and beer.
    • Asuka's violent squibble with Touji over underwear.
    • Every time Shinji's "feminine" characteristics are lampshaded, such as when Asuka has him wear her plug-suit. His reaction when Kensuke and Touji start making fun of him.
    • Units 01 and 02 faceplanting in the "dance episode," and Fuyutsuki's embarrassed reactions.
    • The wacky alternate universe sequence in episode 26. Schoolkid antics, morning stiffies, Misato the wacky schoolteacher, and Gendougetting scolded for being lazy.
    • Gendou and Fuyutsuki beating the heat in episode 11.
      Fuyutsuki: It's lukewarm.
      Gendou: Yes.
  • Crowning Music Of Awesome: Among others is Komm Susser Tod scene in End. "It all comes tumbling down" indeed!!
  • Curb Stomp Battle (Happens every time the Evas go berserk or the Dummy Plug is activated.)
  • Cute Shotaro Boy (Child Shinji. Actually, teen Shinji, in some interpretations.)
  • Cyber Cyclops (Unit 00.)
  • Cyberpunk (Evangelion has quite a few cyberpunk and post-cyberpunk traits.)


Posted @ [10:36 AM]

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[XD] finally , it fits ..

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I'm just your ordinary girl and there's really nothing special about me. I just do whatever I wanna do and I make sure that i'll never regret every decision that I make. Everything that goes under the sun's fine with me , I could easily adapt.(^^) I'm not "maarte" but I love to collect make-up and other girly stuffs. Obviously am a hardcore anime girl and a loyal evangelion fan.

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