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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Evangelion Tropes and Idioms [ D ]

GUYS : Read it of you have time .. ^^ It's interesting ..
NOTE : Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole,tropes are not clichés. The word clichéd means "stereotyped and trite". In other words, dull and uninteresting. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. We are here to recognize tropes and play with them, not to make fun of them.

[ the following bold words are clickable dude .. per click is free , no need to worry .. ^^ ]

  • Deconstruction (Many of the tropes mentioned on this page aren't played straight but deconstructed. The show is so postmodern the leaders of the superflat movement claim it as one of its precursors. Now that's some homage...)
  • Deadpan Snarker (Ritsuko ; manga Shinji is quite a bit of this.)
  • Defrosting Ice Queen (Arguably both Rei and Asuka, depending on how the trope is interpreted)
  • Description Cut and Ironic Echo Cut (Episode 11 sets up long chains of these. After all, the whole point of the episode is how the characters isolated by a power cut still manage think the same.)
  • Despair Event Horizon (Shinji crosses this line for sure, but where exactly it happens is arguable.)
  • Deus Angst Machina
  • Disney Death (Rei. Except she actually did die...but she's a clone.)
  • Dissonant Serenity (Kaworu is a perfect example of this. Not only does he smile a lot despite the fact that he is introduced at a moment in which events have taken a turn for the tragic, he even manages to smile as he asks Shinji to kill him.
    • Also, Rei has no reaction whatsoever to Shinji seeing her naked, then falling on her and accidentally groping her, other than to ask him to let her up.)
  • Doctor Jekyll And Mister Jack Daniels (Misato, but it's hard to tell. Is she ever sober?)
  • Does This Remind You Of Anything (The less said about the points related to Freud Was Right, the better.)
  • Double Agent (Kaji, although it's never really certain who he's really working for.)
  • Dont Look At The Camera
  • Dont You Dare Pity Me (Asuka)
  • Downer Ending (Played straight or subverted by Episode 26, depending on interpretation. Played very straight by End.)
    • An even darker ending was in planning for End at some point. It starts with Shinji lying on the beach while holding hands with someone. He notices that he will probably never see his friends again, but that he also will keep on living anyways. He then squeezes the hand he is holding and sees a short flash of Rei. It is then revealed that nobody is lying next to him, and the hand he is holding belongs to that arm Rei lost earlier in the film.
  • Draco In Leather Pants (Gendou has a disturbing amount of female followers in Fan Fic; Kaworu is a more debatable example — at least the "Draco" part.)
    • Hey, at least let's call ourselves lucky for Kiel not to be a Draco... Oh noooo he must be, there is no God after all!
  • Driven To Suicide (Asuka's mom Kyouko. Naoko, ambiguous in the anime but very definite in the manga. Shinji gets very close. Gendou's deathin End can also be viewed as a symbolic suicide.)
  • Driving Question: Many, but possibly the biggest one is the nature of the Evas, which is also the closest one to getting a straight answer.
  • Dropped A Bridge On Him (Just about everybody in End of Evangelion. Asuka deserves a special mention, though. Oh, the pain.)
  • Dude Shes Like In A Coma (First subverted in Asuka's second chapter, when Shinji tries to kiss her but stops when he hears her call for her mom in her dreams; however, she later slaps him for trying to kiss her. Then, in End of Evangelion, Shinji wanks over a comatose Asuka).
    • The manga's reworking of the latter scene is equally disturbing and tragic, but turns it into a Kiss Of Life of sorts: at first, Shinji is at Asuka's bedside, exhorting her to get up. He may try to do something more, wank or no, but then Asuka finally turns her head to him slightly, her first conscious action in weeks... and then she leaps out of bed and attempts to strangle him to death in the exact same manner her mother did to her a decade prior.
      • What triggers her off into a rage is Shinji saying that she is "just a doll" while comatose and that he wants her back. Something that after her Mother's treatment of her is not the right words to use. Of course Shinji does not mean it in that way and he has no clue why she snaps which makes the scene all the more tragic.
  • Dumb Struck (Both played straight and inverted by Misato. She was so traumatized by Second Impact that she didn't speak for several years, then turned into a major chatterbox when she got into college.)
  • Dynamic Character (Most of the characters are dynamic and rounded.)
  • Dysfunction Junction (...where do we START!?)


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[XD] finally , it fits ..

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