Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Evangelion Tropes and Idioms [ E ]
GUYS : Read it of you have time .. ^^ It's interesting ..
NOTE : Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole,tropes are not clichés. The word clichéd means "stereotyped and trite". In other words, dull and uninteresting. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. We are here to recognize tropes and play with them, not to make fun of them.
[ the following bold words are clickable dude .. per click is free , no need to worry .. ^^ ]
- Early Bird Cameo (Kaworu and Lilith already appear at the end of Rebuild 1.0. Also, in the manga, he first appeared in the last pages of volume 7.)
- Easter Egg (Spike Spencer (Shinji's English dubber)'s famous comment about the original ending from Shinji's POV, which includes gems such as "W-what's an Eva? Is that sort of a Freudian thing, or...um...am I real?" and "I mustn't run away, I mustn't run — okay, I got that, good, okay, now if I were to run away, let's analyze that, where the fuck would I go!?")
- The Eeyore (Shinji.)
- Epiphanic Prison (End of Evangelion thrust Shinji into one. His solution? Destroy the world.)
- Empathic Weapon (Deconstructed; Shinji's empathy with his Eva is psychologically dysfunctional. For example, Shinji describes Unit 01's destruction of the possessed Unit 03 along the lines of "Father used my own hands to hurt Touji," despite the fact that (a) it was the Eva's hands, not his own hands, and (b) he was not in control of the Eva at the time; the dummy plug was. Apparently, piloting a mentally-controlled Humongous Mecha messes with your mind real good.)
- When Shinji fights Unit 02 under the control of Kaworu, he says an apology to Asuka. In this case Shinji can't see Eva 02 as just a machine; he sees it as an extension of Asuka, so that attacking Eva 02 is at some level equivalent to attacking Asuka.
- Emotionless Girl (Subverted by Rei; although she comes across as this for much of the series, she is simply so disconnected from meaningful human contact that she has no real idea of how to emote, until she meets Shinji.)
- Enforced Method Acting (Megumi Ogata was told by Anno to literally strangle Miyamura Yuko in the recording room when Shinji dreamed about strangling Asuka in End of Evangelion.)
- The End Of The World As We Know It (Except it happens. Depending on which ending you watch.)
- End Of The World Special (End.)
- Epileptic Trees (If you thought that the show was disturbing and insane, you clearly haven't read the Fan Wank...)
- Erotic Dream (Disturbingly subverted.)
- Even The Guys Want Him (Ultimately subverted by Shinji. For all his low self confidence and psychological issues, both the anime and the manga give him lots of Ship Tease moments with Misato, Asuka, and Rei, all of whom have genuine affection for Shinji...unfortunately, because of their own psychological issues, none of these develop in healthy ways. He also seems to attract quite a bit of attention from Kaworu Nagisa,especially in the manga, although given what Kaworu is, none of it can be literally interpreted, and it really turns out badly for Shinji.)
- On the other hand, Ryoji Kaji jokingly(?) flirts with him in Rebuild 2.0 — and, in "Shinji Ikari Complementarity Project," Shinji gets unwanted attention from both Kaworu and Gendou.
- Everyone Is Jesus In Purgatory (Works particularly well. Shinji as a pathetic messiah/Jesus figure; Yui as Rei Ayanami's "virgin mother"; Gendou as Judas or Satan, or alternately as the tyrannical God of the Ancient Testament; angels/apostles; crosses... It's hard to tell whether the Eva verse is meant as a kind of Hell or as a purgatory, though...)
- Everythings Better With Penguins (Pen-Pen, whose purpose is purely to lighten the mood.)
- Evil Albino (Kaworu, sort of.)
- Exploding Calendar (The episode 9 montage.)
- Expy (Ritsuko, Asuka, and Kensuke are similar to Electra, Grandis, and Jean from Nadia The Secret Of Blue Water, respectively. Shinji is Nadiawith a haircut and much lighter skin
◊. Also, Asuka may be viewed as a partial expy of Jung Freud of Bustgunner Gunbuster fame.)- Additionally, the later Gainax productions FLCL and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann seem to exist to represent how Shinji would have turned out if he was raised more successfully. Gainax staff have said that while creating the male protagonists for their recent major productions they asked themselves how Shinji would have turned out if he had been brought up in different circumstances.
- The Evas themselves are loosely based on the God Warriors, giant radioactive cyborgs from Hayao Miyazaki's Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind, which Anno worked on during his brief stint as an animator for Studio Ghibli.
- It's interesting to note that Anno had even planned to do a side story focusing on Princess Kushana, but was refused permission by Miyazaki, who disagreed with the level of violence and militarism in Anno's vision. Elements of Kushana's character informed the creation of Asuka, however, and the infamous "doll scene" is taken almost verbatim from a similar incident that occurred earlier in the manga version of Nausicaa.
- Eyepatch Of Power (This "upgrade" happens to Asuka after the events of Rebuild 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance. God save us from the tsunderethat is to be unleashed.)
- Eye Scream (A few times. Sachiel pierces Unit 01's right eye all the way to the other side of the skull. The End Of Evangelion scene where Unit 01 bursts through Lilith/Rei's eye has come to symbolize for many how much of a Mind Screw End is. Also from End: the scene where the MP Eva's Lance of Longinus hits Unit 02 in the face, and the resultant injury to Asuka.)
Labels: Tropes and Idioms : E

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