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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Evangelion Tropes and Idioms [ F ]

GUYS : Read it of you have time .. ^^ It's interesting ..
NOTE : Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole,tropes are not clichés. The word clichéd means "stereotyped and trite". In other words, dull and uninteresting. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. We are here to recognize tropes and play with them, not to make fun of them.

[ the following bold words are clickable dude .. per click is free , no need to worry .. ^^ ]

  • Face Fault
  • Family Unfriendly Violence (So much, it is rumoured the series generated a reinforcement of censorship laws in Japan.)
  • Fan Dumb (Dear God, THE Fan Dumb!)
  • Fan Disservice (Various scenes.)
    • Shinji masturbating over a comatose Asuka is basically the epitome of this.
    • Also, pretty much every revelation about Gendou's sexuality will have you reach for the Brain Bleach.
    • The "naked Yui tempting Shinji" sequence in the manga is a particularly horrifying example.
  • Fan Haters
  • Fan Service ( Misato, Asuka, Rei every character below the age of 31.)
    • The show lampshaded this in each of the "next episode" previews, as Misato always promised "more fanservice!".
    • Shinji semi-lampshades one instance in the manga after coming home from school and finding Misato in the shower...with the apartment door unlocked.
      Shinji (thinking to himself): "That's not safe! Anyone could walk in!"
  • Fan Nickname:
    • "Tang" for LCL.
    • Mind Rape (The trope namer).
    • GNR, or Giant Naked Rei, for the skyscraper-sized glowing white naked Rei that Lilith transforms into
      • Also Mini Giant Naked Rei, Giant Giant Naked Rei, Regular Naked Rei, and Giant Naked Kaworu, all of which are unique and distinct entities. MGNR is what Unit 00 transforms into before blowing up in the Director's Cut of Episode 23. GGNR is the planetary-sized GNR that pops straight out of the Earth, grows wings of light, and collects all of humanity's souls. RNR is just Rei without clothing, like in episode 5. GNK is the large white Kaworu that sprouts out of GNR.
    • "Puppy-kun" for Shinji, at least for Eva fans who like him.
    • EMK, or Evil Manga Kaworu, for the Kaworu who kills a kitten in the manga — hence the meme "every time you masturbate, Kaworu kills a kitten."
    • "Stay-Puft Marshmallow Woman" for Lilith
    • "Yui-sama" for Unit 01.
    • "Uberpimp" for Gendou. Super Gendou, Super Adam Gendou and others for his insane AT-Field generating incarnation in the manga.
    • "Harpies" for Evangelion units 05-13 because they look like grotesque cyber-vultures.
    • "Induction" for the 'Tangification process' in The End, after a term from quantum mechanics.
  • Fanon (No, Gendou and Kouzou never actually have a drinking party in the series. And no, Shinji isn't some kind of sex master, thank you very much. Also, for heaven's sake, Shinji and Kaworu never really get into a relationship in Canon. This also extends to Touji's sisters' name; Misato's father's name; Hikari's sisters' personalities; Shinji's wardrobe; and many other things.)
  • Fan Wank (Horrifying amounts of it.)
  • Fatal Flaw (Most of the characters have at least one.)
  • Fearful Symmetry (The angel Israfel, in the episode "Both of You, Dance Like You Want to Win!")
  • Fear Leads To Anger (Multiple characters.)
  • Feed Me
  • Femme Fatale (Misato, Rei, Asuka.)
  • First Church Of Mecha (Evas were made as a substitute for God, apparently.)
  • First Kiss (Subverted; Shinji and Asuka kiss, but it's painfully unromantic, it doesn't lead anywhere, and she never does stop bullying him.)
  • Five Rounds Rapid: Conventional military efforts tend to do precisely jack against the Angels.
  • Flash Back (Epecially in Episode 21.)
  • Flanderization (All the characters get this treatment in the Fan Fic community; some are more baseless than others.)
  • Foe Yay (Shinji and Kaworu.)
    • Except that they were friends for at least a day, and foes for about 3 minutes. Definitely more Ho Yay than Foe Yay.
  • Four Is Death (Eva Unit 04 explodes on its activation test. Given that it's Evangelion we're talking about...).
  • Foxy Grandma (Naoko Akagi, possibly.)
  • Freudian Excuse (Oh boy, where to begin?)
    • Shinji, who as a three year old witnessed his mother's apparent death in an experiment with Unit 01, was subsequently abandoned by his father, and seems to have been given little to no affection by his tutor(s).
    • Rei, who grew up in a dark, dingy, creepy basement in NERV headquarters, isolated from most human contact, which carries over to her teenage life. Also, her relationship with Gendou is loaded with incestuous subtext, and she seems to be at least somewhat aware that she is a clone, especially after the battle with Armisael. "I can be replaced", indeed.
    • Misato who hates her father who never was there for his family because of his work, but can't help but admire him at the same time because he used the last minutes of his life to save hers. This also factors into why she broke up with Kaji; he reminded her too much of her father.
    • And then there is Asuka, whose mother went insane after an experiment with Unit 02, started to talk to a doll like it was Asuka, at some point asked Asuka to die together with her, and in the end committed suicide together with the doll, leaving Asuka to find her. Oh yeah, andher father had an affair with her mother's doctor, to the point where they even had sex in the hospital within earshot of Asuka. And just to top it all off, he ended up marrying the doctor shortly after his wife's suicide. It's even worse in the manga.
    • Contrary to what some writers might lead a reader to believe, the other characters don't go insane until well into adulthood, ruling out Freudian excuse. It's still suggested that Ritsuko may have suffered as a child from her mother's emotional distance and perhaps from not having a father (he's never even mentioned).
    • Non-canon but noteworthy: in the Alternate Continuity Girlfriend of Steel II / Angelic Days, a whole volume is devoted to teen Gendo's wish to beat up, yell at, or annoy every single person on the earth after his parents get a divorce and his mom abandons him. At least before he meets Yui and Kaworu. All the more pathetic since he's basically what would happen if you merged Shinji and Touji, an angry emo teen who's a social problem. Canon implies very vaguely that he had mommy issues and that he didn't feel loved by his parents.
    • Kaji and Vice-commander Fuyutsuki are the closest EVA comes to normal. Kaji is a triple (quadruple? quintuple?) agent living an extremely dangerous double life and gives the impression that his skirt-chasing caddish lifestyle is part of his cover. Also, it's revealed in an artbook that he's a self-hating mess. Fuyutsuki's whole character revolves around him just being a man who knew too much and was sucked into something much bigger than he ever intended to be in. These are the best-adjusted people. Touji deals with his depression and anxiety over his ill sister by becoming a bully. Kensuke is a military otaku who lives in a whole other plane of reality. Every single child in Shinji's school has lost one or both parents (usually the mother), with varied results. Ritsuko has huge mommy issues (hooking up with the same man that used and disposed of her mother, and getting used by him in the same fashion). Lorentz Kiel is hell-bent on destroying humanity for its own good.
  • Freud Was Right Freud Co-directed The Series (Arguably the crux of the plot.)
  • Furo Scene (Numerous instances, but most memorably Asuka's in episode 22 - which, typically for the series, is not as titillating as it sounds and is in fact extremely disturbing, what with serving as one of the first signposts to Asuka's impending mental breakdown and all.


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