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Feeding Your Eva Needs.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Evangelion Tropes and Idioms [ R ]

GUYS : Read it of you have time .. ^^ It's interesting ..
NOTE : Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole,tropes are not clichés. The word clichéd means "stereotyped and trite". In other words, dull and uninteresting. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. We are here to recognize tropes and play with them, not to make fun of them.

[ the following bold words are clickable dude .. per click is free , no need to worry .. ^^ ]

  • Rage Against The Heavens and the heavens rage back apparently.
  • Raging Stiffie (Shinji in the Alternate Universe.)
  • Raised By Wolves (Rei — who was actually raised by Gendou, which is almost the same thing. It's likely he was himself raised by angry bears.)
  • Readings Are Off The Scale
  • Redemption Equals Death (Subverted in gruesome ways.)
  • Red Oni Blue Oni (Asuka and Rei, who've taken up where Kei and Yuri left off and ran with it. 3-4 paired figure sets a year for more than a decade. Also notice that their hair and eye colors are inverted — Rei's red eyes and blue hair vs. Asuka's blue eyes and red hair. It even carries over to their Evas once Asuka is introduced.)
  • Replacement Goldfish (One interpretation of Rei.)
  • Riding Into The Sunset (Occurs in a very odd and somewhat disturbing fashion in EoE as after Instrumentality is overturned, Unit 01, fossilized and still carrying Yui's soul, flies into space accompanied by the Lance of Longinus, beginning its "eternal reminder" journey.)
  • Room Full Of Crazy (Post-its all over the guts of the Magi; quantum physics graffiti in the room where Rei was born; random religious symbols and artifacts strewn about the place; graphs from a particle accelerator...heck, we're talking about a whole building full of crazy here.)
  • Running The Asylum (Shinji Ikari Raising Project is quite obviously done by an Ascended Fanboy, is entirely powered by Mythology Gag andFanservice and is incredibly Doujinshi-esque. The same could be said about the Angelic Days manga. Not that we complain, it's Eva characters so we'll buy it.)


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say watEVA yaa wanna say .. :]

[XD] finally , it fits ..

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04.05.91 when I started making history.

I'm just your ordinary girl and there's really nothing special about me. I just do whatever I wanna do and I make sure that i'll never regret every decision that I make. Everything that goes under the sun's fine with me , I could easily adapt.(^^) I'm not "maarte" but I love to collect make-up and other girly stuffs. Obviously am a hardcore anime girl and a loyal evangelion fan.

The REST, it's for me to know and for you to find out. :]