Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Evangelion Tropes and Idioms [ H ]
GUYS : Read it of you have time .. ^^ It's interesting ..
NOTE : Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole,tropes are not clichés. The word clichéd means "stereotyped and trite". In other words, dull and uninteresting. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. We are here to recognize tropes and play with them, not to make fun of them.
[ the following bold words are clickable dude .. per click is free , no need to worry .. ^^ ]
- Half Human Hybrid
- Hermetic Magic
- Heroic BSOD (Shinji and Asuka, towards the end of the series, are the king and queen of this trope, though it's debatable who's the king and who's the queen.)
- Heroic Sacrifice (Multiple, and subverted in some cases.)
- Hes Back (Played straight with Shinji; subverted with Asuka, who comes out of her coma, but simply dies fighting 5 minutes later.)
- Asuka does this yet again in the third Rebuild movie.
- Hidden Eyes (Shinji and Asuka on various occasions; Shinji's uncle, aunt, and bullies in the manga. Yui does this a few times, too.)
- High Pressure Blood (Holy mother of God, the Angels bleed rivers. In the first episode alone, Unit 01 sprays for a good five seconds from both sides of a head wound. Apparently Evangelions have a very high blood pressure. It gets even worse in the new movie, where Ramiel, the octahedral, laser-firing, and now shape-shifting Angel, takes a shot fired from Unit 01 through what appears to be thin air, screams like hell, and sprays enough blood out to cover a two-story building and paint a countryside a nice shade of red. And that's just getting started.)
- Justified, perhaps, when you consider how much blood there is in something taller than office buildings and what's needed to move it around. And when you consider how much pressure is required to pump blood all the way up to the heads of those things...
- And the amount/pressure of blood in Giant Giant Naked Rei is enough to put a big red stripe ON THE MOON.
- Hint Dropping: Asuka does this towards Shinji a couple of times. Shinji remains completely oblivious to this, which fuels much of Asuka's anger towards him.
- Hit Me Dammit (Touji tells Shinji to hit him back as a "macho" way of apologizing. The manga adaptation subverts the trope, with Shinji deciding it'd be more interesting to have Touji owe him one instead. In Rebuild, he actually hits Touji right away.)
- Hive Mind (Instrumentality)
- Hot Blooded (Asuka; Misato is a milder case.)
- Hot Scientist (Debatable: Ritsuko, Yui, Maya, Naoko.)
- Ho Yay (Shinji and Kaworu. It's not a stretch at all to think Gainax deliberately played on [and cashed in on!] the fujoshi fantasm.)
- Pretty much confirmed by some of the official artwork available through Gainax's Eva merchandise site.
- In Rebuild 1.0, Kaworu awakens on the moon to promptly say "I'm looking forward to knowing you, Shinji Ikari." As lampshaded with many lulz by the fansubbing group, the Japanese word used can mean "to know in the biblical sense."
- Some will also say the relationship between Gendou and Kouzou is loaded with subtext/vibes. Amusing as the idea may be, it's not canon, though you can really imagine what you want with Eva...
- Humongous Mecha (The Evas.)
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