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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Evangelion Tropes and Idioms [ M ]

GUYS : Read it of you have time .. ^^ It's interesting ..
NOTE : Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole,tropes are not clichés. The word clichéd means "stereotyped and trite". In other words, dull and uninteresting. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. We are here to recognize tropes and play with them, not to make fun of them.

[ the following bold words are clickable dude .. per click is free , no need to worry .. ^^ ]

  • Magical Computer (Appropriately, the MAGI.)
  • Magic From Technology
  • Mama Bear (All the Evas, but particularly Unit 01 to Shinji.)
  • The Man Behind The Man
  • Manipulative Bastard (Gendou.)
  • Marshmallow Hell (Misato accidentally does this to Shinji when they, along with Asuka, Touji, Kensuke, and Kaji, are stuck in a too-small elevator.)
  • Mask Power (Gendou and his little round eyeglasses.)
  • The Masochism Tango (Shinji and Asuka's "relationship.")
  • May December Romance - At the very least, toyed with.
  • Meaningful Name (Quite a few)
    • "Shinji" ironically evokes the words for "truth" or "to believe" and can also mean "divine child." Shinji's name is even punned on in Rebuild 1.0; Misato exhorts Gendou to "believe in his own son", invoking of course the word shinji.
    • "Rei" can mean, among other things, "zero," "ghost" and "cold."
    • "Yui" puns on Rei, of course and, by Word Of God, on the word "yui" meaning "the only one."
    • "Gendou" is "limit" or "boundary."
    • "Ikari" uses the character for "anchor" (part of the nautical theme), but with a different character would be "wrath" or "anger."
    • "Nagisa" contains the characters for " messenger" and, with different kanji, can mean "shore."
    • The Japanese word given to the Angels, "shito," actually means "apostle" or "messenger" (which is the meaning of the original Greek word that became "angel" in English). It also sounds very close to the Japanese word for "person" or "human being," "hito", hinting at one of the deep secrets of the series.
    • The Angels' appearances and attacks are based on their names: for example, Sandalphon, the angel of embryos, starts off as an embryo in a volcano; Arael is the angel of birds; Israfel, who's beaten with music, is the angel of music; Kaworu aka Tabris is the angel of free will.
    • "Evangelion" comes from "eüangélion", the Anglicanized version of the Greek word meaning "gospel" or "good news", which has led the series' title to sometimes be interpreted as "New Century Gospel" or "New Beginning Gospel".
  • Medium Blending (The live action scenes in The End of Evangelion.).
  • Meganekko (Ritsuko and Mari from Rebuild 2.0.)
  • Megumi Hayashibara (Rei, Yui and Pen-Pen; she also performs Mana Kirishima in the Evangelion videogame Girlfriend of Steel. In a rare case, she doesn't perform the opening theme in the credits, although she does sing a couple versions of the closing song. There do exist at least two versions of the opening theme sung by her — one of them in character as Rei! — but neither were actually broadcast.)
  • Memetic Mutation (Everyone gets hugged and turns into Tang; Kaworu kills kittens; Robo-Shinji; Shinji sucks; who killed Ryouji Kaji; Kaworudied for your sins; take Adam into your heart; Neon Gender Evangelion and other gender swap FanVideos; "GENDOWNED" became both famous and copied to death after its 'debut' in AMV Hell 2; the spoof video Evangelion: ReDeath gave us the incredibly popular "It's Gendou!"line. Then there's the unholy union of Evangelion and well-known memes from other fandoms, such as the Evangelion Caramelldansen videos, photoshopping Kamina's shades on Shinji and the "Just as planned" Gendou demotivator. Also, "[anime X] + the Evangelion opening, lulz" is already an old meme.)
    • And of course, the memes with hundreds of variations that never gets old: "WTF happens in episodes 25-26!?" and "The End of Evangelion will mess with your head!"
  • Messianic Archetype (Shinji even has a few "temptation scenes" involving the choice of rejecting the world completely and being Tanged foreveror, in the manga, of going ballistic on humanity with his Luciferian dad. Granted, he's a darkly ironic and/or pathetic kind of messiah.)
  • MIB
  • Million To One Chance (Ritsuko likes to predict that there's a 0.[long string of zeroes]1% chance of Misato's plan succeeding, with lower probabilities as the series progress.)
  • Mind Rape (Arael to Asuka; became the Trope Namer.)
  • Mind Screw (And how! It practically defines the Mindscrew "genre" for anime and manga and it's difficult to avoid mentioning it while talking about Mindscrew animes.)
  • Misaimed Fandom (...though what part of the fandom is misaimed is up for tremendous debate).
  • Misaimed Marketing (Gainax makes George Lucas look like a marketing prude. Care to buy a Rei hentai statue, a "petit Eva" videogame or a Lilith-shaped plate with a Longinus spear-shaped fork? Or maybe a Nerv necktie and a Kaworu cushion?)
  • Mission Control (Straight down to spewing technobabble purely for the sake of the viewer.)
  • Mix And Match (Humongous Mecha + dark psychological drama.)
  • Moe (Quite a bit of what modern moe fetishists chase after was inspired by Rei. Also, Shinji can be quite Moe depending on your interpretation.)
  • The Momo (Pen-Pen. No relation.)
  • Monster Of The Week (The Angels.)
  • Mood Whiplash
  • Moral Event Horizon (The entirety of Gendou and SEELE's schemes arguably crosses the MEH, but Gendou undoubtedly crosses it in episode 18.)
  • More Than Mind Control (Manga Gendou uses Shinji's insecurities and loneliness to try to convince him he's every bit as evil, desperate and vengeful as he is.)
  • Most Common Superpower
  • Multinational Team (Sort of.)
  • Murderer POV ( Kaji's death.)
  • Myth Arc (A small one, at that.)


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[XD] finally , it fits ..

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I'm just your ordinary girl and there's really nothing special about me. I just do whatever I wanna do and I make sure that i'll never regret every decision that I make. Everything that goes under the sun's fine with me , I could easily adapt.(^^) I'm not "maarte" but I love to collect make-up and other girly stuffs. Obviously am a hardcore anime girl and a loyal evangelion fan.

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