Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Evangelion Tropes and Idioms [ N ]
GUYS : Read it of you have time .. ^^ It's interesting ..
NOTE : Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole,tropes are not clichés. The word clichéd means "stereotyped and trite". In other words, dull and uninteresting. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. We are here to recognize tropes and play with them, not to make fun of them.
[ the following bold words are clickable dude .. per click is free , no need to worry .. ^^ ]
- Narm (Surprisingly little, but the fact that being reduced to LCL is accompanied by an audible "pop" is hilarious.)
- A few events involving Evil Manga Kaworu, particularly the ludicrous hyperventilation scene. The fact that he fights Armisael in Eva-02, saying "Sorry, but the Scrolls say you die first!" is either saddening or hilarious.
- Most of Gendou's antics when he saves Shinji, or rather retrieves Eva-01's pilot, in the manga. Particularly hilarious
: the fact that he has an AT-Field and looks like some kind of alien-worshiping guru], on top of being a raving madman. The implication that he wants Yui to be his mom is mind-bogglingly laughable too. If (according to some) EMK marked the manga's shark-jumping, this will probably be remembered as the time Sadamoto stopped trying. - Some FanVideos have the effect of making several dramatic scenes hilarious, though. For example, the French parody group Gotohwan made this reinterpretation of the first episode
(in French) poking fun at godawful French dubs. Shinji's unemphatic "Daddy, daddy, I'm sad and if you don't stop I'm going to cry." and eventual bawling nearly ruined that very scene in Rebuild for this troper.
- Nightmare Fuel / High Octane Nightmare Fuel (Pick your poison. There's the bit where we learn rather vividly that the Evas are alive, there's Asuka's Mind Rape, there's The Reveal of Rei's secret and her Transformation Trauma, and there's pretty much everything in End of Evangelion. Possibly also the original ending.)
- No Fourth Wall: Apparently, Instrumentality destroyed the Fourth Wall. In episode 25, text on the screen narrates that "the return to nothigness" has begun, only for Gendo to appear on screen and "correct" this statement.
- No Holds Barred Beatdown (The instances of Unit 01 going berserk, and the activation of the Dummy Plug. Honorable mention however, is the end of Episode 19, where we bear witness to one so horribly vicious that it is perfectly balanced between Nightmare Fuel and a Crowning Moment Of Awesome.)
- Non Indicative First Episode (Anno reportedly complained about the first episode being "a failure" and out of tune with the rest. It was supposed to create an atmosphere of total despair.)
- No Periods Period (Painfully averted with Asuka in both the anime and the manga. Rei, on the other hand, is implied not to menstruate.)
- Evangelion, the anime that Lampshades its painful periods and menstrual symbols.
- No Yay (Almost any pairing that involves Gendou, Rei, or Shinji. It somehow gets worse in Shinji Ikari Raising Project.)
- Nuclear Weapons Taboo (Assuming that N2 mines are non-nuclear; see Word Of Dante.)
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