Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Evangelion Tropes and Idioms [ U,V,W,X,Y ]
IM TIRED .. LoL .. haha .. just decided to combine those five remaining letters .. :P *phew ..
GUYS : Read it if you have time .. ^^ It's interesting ..
NOTE : Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole,tropes are not clichés. The word clichéd means "stereotyped and trite". In other words, dull and uninteresting. We are not looking for dull and uninteresting entries. We are here to recognize tropes and play with them, not to make fun of them.
[ the following bold words are clickable dude .. per click is free , no need to worry .. ^^ ]
- Unlucky Every Dude (Shinji.)
- The Unreveal (So many examples, but a very noteworthy [and memetic] one is who killed Ryouji Kaji.)
- Unstoppable Rage (Note to alien monsters who may be reading this: Do not make Yui-sama take control of Unit 01, because she will kick your ass.)
- Unusually Uninteresting Sight (Rei.)
- Unwanted Harem (Shinji is quite pimpin', for a skinny teen with a crippling social phobia.)
- The Urkel (Kensuke.)
- Utopia Justifies The Means (SEELE's ultimate plot.)
- Vibroweapon (The Progressive Knives.)
- Viewer Gender Confusion (Occasionally happens when Maya is mistaken for Shinji and the other way around. Happens a lot in the Alternate Continuity Gakuen Datenroku ("Records of Heaven's Descent"), where Shinji is at his most androgynous and really looks like Maya and where it's sometimes necessary to have a close look to realize that the cute short-haired girl is actually him. This troper suspects the gender confusion has happened with Kaworu, too.)
- Warped Aesop
- The War Room (Central Dogma's command center, with Mission Control, natch.)
- The Watson (Sometimes Maya, sometimes Misato, sometimes Shinji. Actually, so few characters know what's really going on that they ALL have their Watson moments...)
- Water Is Air (LCL. Breathable? That's certainly possible. No sound distortion? There could be a reason. But the fact that it even lets tears fall freely to someone's lap? Essentially, when inconvenient, it's not there.)
- Weapon Of Mass Destruction
- We Have Reserves ( The Reiquarium. Also, all of Shinji's classmates are potential Eva pilots.}
- Weirdness Magnet (Primarily Shinji, as the plot mainly revolves around the Mindscrew that happens to him (and let's face it, how often do youaccidentally fall on a naked blue-haired clone of your dead mother?); Misato, due to her wacky angel-beating schemes and zany alcohol problem; Gendou has psychosis-induced plot-distorting abilities and lacks a sense of ridicule, especially in the manga and (on 'shrooms!) in Shinji Ikari Instrumentality Project; the rest of the cast, to various degrees.)
- Well Done Son Guy (Shinji is a textbook case. Asuka is arguably a closet "well done cutie girl.")
- Wham Episode: Every episode from 18 to the last, which just rubs in the Mind Screw aspect of the story.
- What An Idiot
- What Do You Mean Its Not Didactic (The director actually researched some academic psychology, and when a man climbing out of a depression reads a psychology textbook you know he's paying attention. Consequently, its usage is fairly accurate in the show, although it suffers from All Psychology Is Freudian.)
- For example, one of the episodes, "Oral Stage," is named after one of Freud's psychosexual development phases. Many of the music titles derive from mainstream psychology, e.g. "Borderline Case," "Separation Anxiety," "Mother Is the First Other," "A Fragile Ego Border."
- What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic (While a lot of the symbolism is intentional, a lot of the religious symbols were thrown in for the hell of it.Word Of God says most of them were put in to add mystery and an exotic feel — the relevant quote can be found on the Jesus Taboo page.)
- What Measure Is A Nonbadass (The trope could easily be called The Shinji.)
- What Measure Is A Nonhuman (Shinji angsts about this after the double whammy of learning Rei's secret and being ordered to terminate Kaworu. There's also the little thing about the Angels' nature.)
- Gray Haired Pretty Boy (Kaworu.)
- With Friends Like These (Despite being friends since college, Ritsuko keeps Misato in the dark about all of NERV's most important secrets until near the end of the series. She also gets into frequent (and sometimes physically violent) arguments with Misato about how to handle situations which could endanger the pilots, and takes cruel potshots at Misato after things really blow up between her, Shinji, and Asuka.)
- Ritsuko takes cruel potshots at Misato throughout the series. Misato usually either ignores her or is oblivious. On occasion, her jibes turnout to be true.
- The Woobie (Everyone...except SEELE.)
- Woobie Destroyer Of Worlds (Gendou, arguably. Shinji also fits this trope in The End.)
- Gendou's case is canon in the manga. It's safe to assume his daddy didn't love him — and neither does God.
- Word Of God (Anno has issued a few surprising or controversial statements about Evangelion, for example his quip that it shouldn't be analysedbecause it was just "a scream" on his part.)
- The Worf Effect (Asuka's performance against the Angels gets steadily worse as the series progresses.)
- World Half Empty (...and, of course, it's filled to the brim with Tang.)
- Wrap It Up
- Writer On Board (End of Evangelion.)
- Xanatos Gambit
- Yamato Nadeshiko - Hikari is more of a "Yamato Nadeshiko in training."
- Your Milage May Vary. Just as plausibly (at least in the anime), she's a Type-A (i.e.cranky) Tsundere. How often is she actually nice to anyone other than Asuka?
- Subverted with Yui, whom Shinji remembered as this (especially in the manga) but who was actually the architect of Project E (and is implied to wear the pants in her marriage, or at the very least be the source of stability in Gendou's life). She somehow becomes quite a bit of a powerless Yamato Nadeshiko in some alternate continuities such as Girlfriend of Steel 2 / Angelic Days — but she's a powerful, fearsome Tsundere wife in Ikari Shinji Instrumentality Project, believe it or not, while Gendou exists pretty much to do all the petty paperwork so that she can concentrate on the real work.)
- Yandere (Asuka over Kaji; both Naoko and Ritsuko over Gendou; and later on, Shinji over Asuka to a disturbing degree (and the feeling is quite mutual). Kyouko and Yui-sama are a bit on the Yangire side, too.)
- Yank The Dogs Chain (Shinji, over and over and over...)
- Yaoi Fangirls (see Ho Yay.)
- You Blockhead (Shinji is a universal target of this.)
- You Fail Biology Forever (Arguably, a fairly mild form of it; it is SF biology, after all. Though it might be argued it's meant as metabiology and actual science has very little to do with the show.)
- You Fail Physics Forever (That's not what a Dirac sea is...at all. The show also fails quantum physics forever by throwing it around as a metaphor combined with Rule Of Cool.)
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair (Rei with blue hair, Misato with purple hair, Kaji with greenish hair, Kaworu with gray hair (very unusual for a teenage boy).)
- You Should Know This Already (If you've been around TV Tropes a lot you should know how Tang relates to this series...)
- You Suck (Shinji gets this treatment a few times. It's been theorized that Shinji, and even the whole show, were meant as Take Thats against otakus.)
- Your Mileage May Vary (Ooooh boy...where do we begin.)
- How about End of Evangelion which has probably one of the biggest variations in mileage ever. Some see it as a Kill Em All Downer Ending, while some others consider this a Bittersweet Ending where Everybody Lives. No one would doubt with how much it screws with one's mind.
DONE !!!! :D
Labels: Tropes and Idioms : UVWXYZ

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