Thursday, October 1, 2009

VERY rare but FUNNY Moments in Evangelion
- In episode 5, Pen-Pen hesitantly samples Misato's atrocious cooking and promptly faints.
- In episode 17, Kaji inexplicably flirts with Shinji.
Kaji: How about it? Wanna go out for tea?
Shinji: You know, I'm a boy.
- And in Rebuild 2.0, Kaji pretends to try to kiss him and Shinji lets out an almighty squeal. "Love isn't concerned with gender!"
- Toothpicks. 'nuff said.
- In fact, any slapstick scene that somehow involves Misato and beer.
- Asuka's violent squibble with Touji over underwear.
- Every time Shinji's "feminine" characteristics are lampshaded, such as when Asuka has him wear her plug-suit. His reaction when Kensuke and Touji start making fun of him.
- Units 01 and 02 faceplanting in the "dance episode," and Fuyutsuki's embarrassed reactions.
- The wacky alternate universe sequence in episode 26. Schoolkid antics, morning stiffies, Misato the wacky schoolteacher, and Gendougetting scolded for being lazy.
- Gendou and Fuyutsuki beating the heat in episode 11. [ haha , i like this one .. ]
Fuyutsuki: It's lukewarm.
Gendou: Yes.

Posted @
7:55 AM]