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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Some Realizations : Evangelion 's characters have been used as the basis for many Anime casts

Evangelion 's characters have been used as the basis for many animes' casts:

Kirika from Noir, Koizumi in Iketeru Futari, Ryomou Shimei from Ikki Tousen, Yuki Nagato (whose first name even puns on the meaning of Rei's) in Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu, Sasshi's sister in Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai, D in Parallel Trouble Adventure Dual, possibly Nia from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Nemu Kurotsuchi from Bleach...
Similarly, Yui (and her haircut!): Azusa Fuyutsuki(!) in Great Teacher Onizuka to (possibly) Trisha and Gracia in Full Metal Alchemist to Kamatari in Rurouni Kenshin, I kid you not.)
And Meg
[she's Asuka's 5 years after and healthier version ^^] and Jo from Burst Angel look almost like Asuka and Rei.

A bullied male student in Great Teacher Onizuka (the manga that loves its Eva expies and genre savviness) and Ganta in Deadman Wonderland.

Yuuichi Kirisaki from YakitateJapan, who somehow looks even more like a psychopathic sex offender on the loose. In the anime, he even has the same voice actor. Hohenheim makes for a debatable (or subverted, due to major differences in personality) comparison to Gendou as worthy "Parental Abandonment-cum-father complex generator with Scary Shiny Glasses" with a tendency to tower over his small, overexcitable teenager. In turn, Gendou himself is quite similar to Urabe in Osamu Tezuka's Ode To Kirihito, down to the Scary Shiny Glasses, looks, conflicted and corrupt personality, and psychotic self-hate and obsession with rape contrasting with his scientific genius. Astro Boy's "father" Dr. Tenma and his dysfunctional relationship with his children was also a probable influence — and the version of Tenma in Pluto is influenced by Gendou in turn. He has also taken some lessons from Darth Vader, apparently.)

haha .. sooo true .. ^^ while watching GTO [ that was 4-5 years ago ] , i even imagined Uehara [ Yoshikawa's pair Yoshikawa was the class wimp Shinji-look-alike ] as Asuka Langley .. [ even if they don't look-alike that much] Oh , they have the same personality .. They love to bully wimpy emos .. :P Unlike Asuka , Uehara's love for Yoshikawa's soo transparent .. :) [ ahem ! , Asuka .. about time .. haha ] .. *there's always re-take and other doujinshi anyway .. XD


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[XD] finally , it fits ..

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