GNR, or Giant Naked Rei, for the skyscraper-sized glowing white naked Rei that Lilith transforms into
Also Mini Giant Naked Rei, Giant Giant Naked Rei, Regular Naked Rei, and Giant Naked Kaworu, all of which are unique and distinct entities. MGNR is what Unit 00 transforms into before blowing up in the Director's Cut of Episode 23. GGNR is the planetary-sized GNR that pops straight out of the Earth, grows wings of light, and collects all of humanity's souls. RNR is just Rei without clothing, like in episode 5. GNK is the large white Kaworu that sprouts out of GNR.
"Puppy-kun" for Shinji, at least for Eva fans who like him.
EMK, or Evil Manga Kaworu, for the Kaworu who kills a kitten in the manga — hence the meme "every time you masturbate, Kaworu kills a kitten."
"Stay-Puft Marshmallow Woman" for Lilith
"Yui-sama" for Unit 01.
"Uberpimp" for Gendou. Super Gendou, Super Adam Gendou and others for his insane AT-Field generating incarnation in the manga.
"Harpies" for Evangelion units 05-13 because they look like grotesque cyber-vultures.
"Induction" for the 'Tangification process' in The End, after a term from quantum mechanics.
The WebMistress Shinny's the name, do you wanna know the rest?(:P)
04.05.91 when I started making history.
I'm just your ordinary girl and there's really nothing special about me. I just do whatever I
wanna do and I make sure that i'll never regret every decision that I make. Everything that
goes under the sun's fine with me , I could easily adapt.(^^) I'm not "maarte" but I love to
collect make-up and other girly stuffs. Obviously am a hardcore anime girl and a loyal
evangelion fan.
The REST, it's for me to know and for you to find out. :]